Use the ALE Setup panel to create and modify input data pertaining to the Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian LS-DYNA capability.
The following LS-DYNA cards are created in the ALE Setup panel.
Altair HyperMesh |
LS-DYNA Keyword |
MultiMatGrp |
SetMultiMatGrp |
RefSysSwch |
RefSysCurve |
RefSysGrp |
RefSysNode |
Smoothing |
TankTest |
ConstdLagSolid |
InitialGasMix |
InitialVoid |
Database_FSI |
BoundAmbEos |
InitVolFractGeo |
Additional cards related to ALE modeling:
*SECTION_POINT_SOURCE (collector/property panel)
*INITIAL_VOLUME_FRACTION (*Element_Solid card image)
The ALE Setup panel contains the following subpanels and command buttons:
Use the Create subpanel to create ALE groups.
Panel Inputs
The setup of certain ALE cards may require a link to entities such as components or a set. Use the Add/Update subpanel to perform this operation.
Panel Inputs
The following action buttons appear throughout the subpanels: