Use this tool to convert zone based composite models to ply based models for Altair OptiStruct.
1. | Import zone based models with PCOMP or PCOMPG properties. These FE models do not have any plies or laminates. The goal is to create plies and laminates from PCOMP or PCOMPG properties. |
No plies or laminates are in the FE model
2. | Select all of the PCOMP or PCOMPG properties that need to be converted to PCOMPP (ply based model). |
3. | After the conversion, laminates and plies are created. However converting a zone based model to a ply based model is not deterministic. Many possibilities exist, especially the laminate stacking order. You are advised to check the laminate and reorder, if necessary. |
Ply, laminate and PCOMPP are created in the model after FE absorb