Module Menus

The HVVH module contains the following menus:


The File menu contains the following options:
Creates a new task, depending on the tab you are currently on.
Load Session
Loads a session file created manually or with the HVVH interface. The selections/settings in the active tab are set per the session file.
Save New Session
Each HVVH session can be saved as a session file, which can be retrieved later. You can load this session file into HVVH or run HVVH in batch mode.
Append Session
Appends the number of sessions and can be used for batch mode job submissions.
Closes the program


From the Edit menu, select Config File or Text Editor.

Config File

Use the Config File option to create or edit the configuration file.

  1. Add HyperWorks version and path.
    1. Invoke HVVH by invoking the batch file and then clicking Edit > Config File.
    2. In the Version field, enter the HyperWorks version.
    3. In the Path field, click the file browser icon to select the corresponding HyperWorks executable path.
    4. Click Add to populate the necessary clients in the Version/Path Review table.
    • Click Delete to delete all current entries.
    • Click Save to save the configuration file. You must restart HVVH for the new settings to take effect. For example:

      Version: 2019

      Path: C:\altair\2019

      For the solver: The actual solver path (based on the solver installation).

  2. Add solver path.
    1. From the Solver drop-down menu, select LsDyna or Ansys.
    2. In the Path field, click the file browser icon to select the solver file path.
    3. Click Add to populate the necessary clients in the Version/Path Review table.
  3. Define the solver executable version.
    1. From the Solver drop-down menu, select RadiossBlock or OptiStruct.
    2. In the Version field, enter the HyperWorks version.
    3. In the Path field, click the file browser icon to select the solver executable directory.
    4. Click Add to populate the necessary clients in the Version/Path Review table.

Figure 1.

Text Editor

Use the Text Editor option to set the location of the text editor (the editor that you want to use for viewing reports) on your PC. Click the file browser icon to set the location.

Figure 2.


Click Exit to close the module.


Click Help from the menu bar to display the HVVH online help.