Launch Altair License Utility

  1. Launch Altair License Utility.
    To launch on Do this
    1. From the Start menu, select All Programs.

      On Windows 10, go to the All Apps menu.

    2. Select Altair 2019.
    3. Select Tools > Altair License Utility 2019.

      On Windows 10, select Altair License Utility 2019.

    1. Navigate to //Altair Home/security/bin/linux64/gui.
    2. Execute almutil_gui.
  2. Click the HostID tab.
    The HostID Tab displays the available host IDs that the Altair License System can use to identify a licensable computer for HyperWorks. These are the IDs that would be used for a node locked license or for a server license.
  3. Click on the License Usage tab.

    License Usage displays available and used licenses for a license server. Servers can be added for query in the Host field. This tab also allows filtering based on feature names.

  4. Click on the Hosted HWU tab.
    Hosted HWU is used to configure the Hosted HyperWorks system. The steps to authorize a computer for Hosted HyperWorks are described on this tab. You must be enrolled in the HHWU program in order to use this feature.
  5. Click on the Borrowing tab.

    Borrowing allows you to borrow license features; that is, get licenses from a license server and hold them for times when that license server is unavailable. Borrowed licenses count against the total number of licenses on that license server, and are available only to the borrowing computer until the borrow time limit expires or the user returns them.

    1. To borrow a license for a product, launch the product and click Borrow in the Altair License Utility Borrow tab.
    2. To return borrowed licenses, click Return All in the Altair License Utility.
  6. Click the Remote Admin tab.
    Remote Admin allows you to perform administrative tasks such as stopping and restarting a license server and revoking checked out features for a user. This functionality must be set up in the Altair License Manager and is detailed in the AltairĀ® License Management System 13.0 Installation and Operation Guide.