Curvature Angle
The Curvature angle defines the desired mesh edge length to resolve curved geometric features. This is the value of the included angle.
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AcuSolve is a leading general purpose CFD solver that is capable of solving the most demanding industrial and scientific applications.
Discover AcuSolve functionality with interactive tutorials.
Introduction of background knowledge regarding flow physics and CFD as well as detailed information about the use of AcuSolve and what specific options do.
Collection of AcuSolve simulation cases for which results are compared against analytical or experimental results to demonstrate the accuracy of AcuSolve results.
AcuSolve command descriptions and corresponding examples.
AcuSolve utility programs covering preparatory and post-processing as well as user-defined functions and utility scripts.
Customization of AcuSolve allowing you to customize certain capabilities of the solver.
Instruction of the mesh generation capability in AcuConsole, a GUI based pre-processor for AcuSolve.
Mesh attributes control various aspects of the mesh generation process, including mesh size. Mesh attributes can be set on a global (whole model) and/or local (model entity) basis.
AcuMeshSim is a standalone C++ program. It can be run from the command line, but is more often run directly from AcuConsole.
Mesh controls are used to control the size and characteristics of the mesh in different areas of the model.
Mesh size can be roughly equated to the edge length of the elements generated by the mesh generator.
Curvature meshing attributes are extremely useful for capturing the curvature in the model during mesh generation.
Periodic boundary conditions are used in AcuSolve when only a subset of the full flow domain is simulated.
In certain simulations the flow domain may have a very high aspect ratio.
Mesh size can also be specified as a function of location. Geometric shapes such as spheres, boxes and cylinders can be drawn and mesh sizes are specified for the volume enclosing these Zone Mesh Attributes.
The Global Mesh Attributes represent mesh settings that are applied to the entire model. Additionally, the size specified in this panel is used as the global mesh length scale that is used in the octree method when evaluating all subsequent mesh sizes.
The Mesh size type for Global Mesh Attributes can be Absolute, Relative, Absolute Expression, Relative Expression, Absolute Anisotropic or Relative Anisotropic.
If the Mesh size type is set to Absolute, then the Absolute mesh size value needs to be provided.
When the Mesh size type is set to Relative, the Relative mesh size must be provided.
To specify an Absolute Expression, set the Mesh size type to Absolute Expression. This option allows you to specify a simple text expression to set the size of the mesh on all geometric entities within the model.
To specify a Relative Expression, set the Mesh size type to Relative Expression. This option allows you to specify a simple text expression to set the relative size of the mesh on all entities within the model.
To specify an Absolute anisotropic mesh type, set the Mesh size type to Absolute Anisotropic. This option allows you to enter an absolute size and a tensor that defines the orientation of the anisotropy.
To specify a Relative anisotropic mesh type, set the Mesh size type to Relative Anisotropic. This option allows you to enter a relative size and a tensor that defines the orientation of the anisotropy.
Turning On the Curvature refinement parameters gives access to the Curvature angle and Curvature mesh size factor settings.
The Curvature angle defines the desired mesh edge length to resolve curved geometric features. This is the value of the included angle.
Curvature mesh size factor is used to determine the minimum value of the mesh edge length used to resolve curved features.
This option is used to control the rate at which the mesh transitions between regions of different surface and volume size.
This option allows you to set the maximum sweep angle for edge blend meshing on a global basis.
This example focuses on the impact of Global Mesh Attributes on the resulting mesh.
All of the mesh features in this section are advanced, and in most cases you do not need to change any of them.
Every geometric model in AcuConsole contains one or more volume groups. The pipe example model has one volume group called fluid with one geometric region.
Once the geometry is imported into AcuConsole, it will have one or more surface groups. Each of the surface groups could have one or more geometric faces associated with it.
To properly set periodic boundary conditions in AcuSolve, the mesh nodes on periodic faces must match after applying the periodic transformation.
Extrusion meshing is a technique in which structured mesh is created in volume and on surface entities.
The Zone Mesh Attributes panel provides a method for you to set mesh sizes in regions that are independent of the CAD model.
An edge mesh specifies mesh attributes along a selected edge of a model.
Generating a mesh using AcuConsole requires you to set up the mesh attributes and open the Launch AcuMeshSim dialog by clicking Tools > Generate Mesh.
Customization of AcuConsole allowing you to improve your particular workflow.
Commands of AcuTrace, a particle tracer that runs as a post-processor to or a co-processor with AcuSolve.
Instructions to define additional solution quantities of AcuTrace called user equations.
Usage of AcuFieldView, an OEM version of Intelligent Light’s FieldView post-processing software.
Instruction of the AcuReport tool, a standalone post-processor batch tool used to generate a report from an AcuSolve solution database.
Instruction of the mesh generation capability in AcuConsole, a GUI based pre-processor for AcuSolve.
The Global Mesh Attributes represent mesh settings that are applied to the entire model. Additionally, the size specified in this panel is used as the global mesh length scale that is used in the octree method when evaluating all subsequent mesh sizes.
The Curvature angle defines the desired mesh edge length to resolve curved geometric features. This is the value of the included angle.
The Curvature angle defines the desired mesh edge length to resolve curved geometric features. This is the value of the included angle.
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