Run Radioss

Note: Your system administrator may need to modify the script to make it compatible with your system.

There are several ways to run Radioss:

  • From the script
  • From the HyperWorks Solver Run Manager
  • From inside the pre-processor HyperMesh
  • From inside HyperView, and HyperGraph

In all the above cases, HyperWorks will initialize $PATH and other environment variables required to run the selected solver, however you are responsible for initializing environment variables for third party products. In particular, MPI and AMLS/FFRS external solvers (if needed) may require PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Regardless of the method used to run Radioss, the Radioss script automatically detects the type of solution and what executable to run based on the filename. If the filename does not follow these conventions, a run option can be used to identify the file format.
Filename File Format Executes Corresponding Run Option*
<prefix>_0000.rad Block Format


Radioss Starter -start, -starter
<prefix>D00 Block Format


Radioss Starter -start, -starter
<prefix_0001.rad Engine Format


Radioss Engine -eng, -engine
<prefix>D01 Engine Format


Radioss Engine -eng, -engine
*Does not have to be used if file follows naming convention.