This subpanel creates free points at parametric locations on lines and surfaces.
For lines:
• | 0.0 <= u lower bound <= u upper bound <= 1.0. |
• | If the lower and upper bounds are the same, only one node is created. |
• | If the number of u nodes is specified as 1, only the lower bound is used. |
• | The line parameterization type can be specified as either arc length or internal. |

This example shows u ranging from 0 to 1, with six u points, created evenly along the arc length.
For surfaces:
• | 0.0 <= u lower bound <= u upper bound <= 1.0. |
• | 0.0 <= v lower bound <= v upper bound <= 1.0. |
• | The number of u and v free points must be >= 1. |
• | The total number of free points created equals (number of u points * number of v points). |
• | The surface parametric area is scaled to the visible surface area. Free points will be created inside the visible surface area. |

This examples uses u from 0 to 0.75 with 4 u points, and v from 0.25 to 1.0 with 6 v points.