CAD Import Options

CAD readers provide options for processing data during import.

You can access some of these options from the Import browser, while other options are accessed from a reader's _reader.ini file.
Hierarchy as
Type of hierarchy to generate.
  • Choose Assemblies to generate an assemblies/components based hierarchy.
  • Choose BOM Only to generate an empty part-based hierarchy.
  • Choose Parts to generate a full part-based hierarchy.
  • Choose Single part only to consolidate the hierarchy into a single part.
Split components by
Strategy used to split components, which is dependent on the CAD format.
  • Choose Body to generate a body-based component.
  • Choose Layer to generate a layer-based component.
  • Choose Part to generate a part-based component.
Target units
Target unit system to be adopted for the imported model.
  • Choose a specific unit.
  • Choose CAD units to match the unit system to the CAD file being imported. If the target unit system does not match the CAD file being imported, than the corresponding numbers are modified to account for the unit change.
  • Alternatively, choose Scale Factor to adopt the CAD unit system and scale the entities by the indicated factor.
Cleanup to
Refer to CAD Cleanup Tolerance.
Import hidden (blanked/no show) entities
Import entities that are hidden, blanked, or no show for relevant formats.
See each format's available import options for details. Not all CAD formats supported.
Import composite data
Read Composite Part Design (CPD) data from CATIA files into HyperMesh.
Restriction: Only available in CATIA format.
Read hidden ply base surfaces
Read hidden ply base surfaces.
Restriction: Only available when Import composite data is enabled for the CATIA format.
Trim ply surfaces
Trim ply base surfaces during import.
Restriction: Only available when Import composite data is enabled for the CATIA format.
Ply contour gap tolerance
Ply contour gap tolerance (default 0.3).
Restriction: Only available when Import composite data is enabled for the CATIA format.
Import publication data
Create regions from the geometry referenced in the publication.
Restriction: Only available in CATIA format.
Do not merge edges
Preserve the original breakdown of edges.
By default edges are merged together, when possible, during import as part of the cleanup phase.
Global Analysis
Create just landing curves for stiffener/beam/ER systems, unless the ini option @ImportStiffenerMidSurfaces is "on" in which case both landing curves and stiffener/beam/ER geometry midsurfaces will be created.
When disabled, stiffener/beam/ER geometry is created (complete solid or just midsurfaces depending on the ini option), while landing curves are not created.
Restriction: Only available for Intergraph format.
Split periodic faces
Split periodic faces during CAD import (default).
Restriction: Only available for Inspire, JT, NX native, NX third-party, Parasolid, and SolidWorks readers.
Use native reader
Enable a native reader, requiring original CAD software and licenses, to be used.
Restriction: Only available for NX format.
This method of import, along with feature- based meshing technology, provides a robust way to create high quality CAE solid tetrahedral mesh models without a lot of geometry cleanup.
User defined
Use this GUI field to enter additional options not explicitly exposed in the GUI, in the form option1_name=option1_value, option2_name=option2_value, and so on. If an option also exposed in the GUI is mentioned in this field, the value of this field prevails.

Default versions of the _reader.ini files are included in the directory [Altair Home]/io/afc_translators/bin/[platform] directory and its children. When a CAD reader is activated, each reader first checks the current working directory for the appropriate _reader.ini file. If the file is not found, the translators looks in all directories pointed by the HW_CONFIG_PATH environment variable.

As a last resort, the translator uses the default _reader.ini file in the above directory. In this way the _reader.ini file can have "global" or "local" user scope. For instance, "local" user changes for a current job can be made by copying and modifying the _reader.ini file in the local current working directory.

Options can take on only one value at a time. Options can also be commented out (ignored) by placing a # in front of an option, in which case the default value for that option will be used.

The available _reader.ini options are explained in detail within the Import Options sections for each reader.

Many CAD translators also import other relevant information as metadata attached to specific entities (assemblies, components, points, lines, surfaces, solids). Some metadata is generated by default while other metadata is generated by enabling/disabling certain options in the _reader.ini files. Metadata is stored in the database and can be used for review or to perform process automation. For example, you can obtain the tag (name) of a surface from the CAD file and apply certain mesh criteria to that surface inside HyperWorks X. Refer to the Import Options topics for each format and CAD Metadata Naming for specific details about metadata.