The Tire Patch Point Manager is invoked by clicking the icon, which opens the Manage Tire Patch Points dialog. Use this utility to create and handle tire modules in different formats, such as CDtire and modal model.
Fraunhofer functionalities are integrated to generate CDTire models. Tire models, CDTire and/or modal models can be added in the Tire Patch Points Manager. Corresponding representations can be created, repositioned and assigned to tire modules. The defined tire patch points will automatically be used in setting up input or constraints to the tire patch points in NVH analysis.
By default, four tire patch point sets are listed in the dialog. To create tire modules, generate tire models and define tire patch points for a set, highlight the row corresponding to the set, and then click the icon, which opens the Define tire patch point dialog.
A tire module is created by clicking the icon corresponding to the Module name, which opens the Add module dialog. You can create a new tire module or select a tire module that was already created. A new tire module is created by specifying a Module name, a DMIG label name (for CDTire), the ID range and then selecting the Attachment TagPoint with the relevant module.
A tire is created by clicking the icon corresponding to the tire, which opens the Add module dialog. You can define tire models for CDTire and modal model.
To create a CDTire, select CDTIRE as the Tire type. This will activate the options necessary to generate a CDTire H3D file from Fraunhofer’s Parameter file. Select the Parameter file, specify the relevant options, and click Create to create the H3D file.
To define the modal model, select MODALFE as the Tire type. Select the relevant file and then click Extract TagLabels. Next, select the Attachment Tagpoint, Patch points, and then click Create.
Now the defined tire models are available in the Define tire patch point dialog. Select the Tire and assign it to a selected or created tire module. Multiple tires can be assigned to a single tire module. Patch points are loaded for the tire selected.
The assigned tire to the tire modules is defined as a separate representation. For CDTire, the H3D DMIG names are also visible for your information.