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Tagpoint Mapping Tool

Tagpoint Mapping Tool

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Tagpoint Mapping Tool

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This tool allows automated mapping/creation of tagpoints and connections between data from different sources. This can be done using the following options:

Tagpoint template CSV

The tool is invoked by clicking the tagpointMapping-24 icon.  


This option is used to map the tagpoints from the assembly metadata to FE data currently loaded in Altair HyperMesh. This allows you to verify and rectify any mismatch between metadata and FE data before saving the Assembly or export solver deck. You can also synchronize information between metadata and FE data when a representation file for a module is modified enabling automated mapping of tagpoints and rehealing of existing connections. This can be done using four different scanning options:

Scan from 10th field grids: 10th field entry in the GRID point definition of FE data is used for scanning
Scan from HM Tags: This option is used in Prepare Module to scan HM tags in FE data
Scan from metadata node Ids: Matching nodes ID's in FE data and metadata are used for scanning  
Scan from FE node locations: User specified tolerance is used for scanning the node information between FE and metadata

Select the module from Module pool and click Load Metadata. Tagpoint information in the metadata is populated in the tagpoint metadata information section, highlighted in blue. Scan operation with the selected scanning option loads the node information from FE in the tagpoint scanned data information section, highlighted in green, and compares with metadata. The difference in entities between metadata and FE are highlighted in color codes.


The information related to Node IDs, Coordinates and the Tab label can be updated from metadata to FE, and vice versa. The arrow mark directions controls the database to be updated. The nodes to be updated are selected using the checkbox option. There is an option to select the tag type. The database is updated using the Update/Create button. Updated information is highlighted using color coding. The light green color indicates a database update from FE to metadata and the dark green color indicates a database update from metadata to FE.      

The Export Tagpoint CSV option is used to export the mapped tagpoints to an external .csv file.  



This option is used to map/create the tagpoints between different modules based on the scanned nodes within user specified tolerance ranges. This is very useful in the identification of potential connection points across modules when you are building a fresh assembly with modules without any tagpoints. Tagpoints can be created automatically at identified connections points. There is also an option to create connections between the created tagpoints. Tagpoints are mapped for the selected modules from Module pool at nodes which are scanned and identified within the specified tolerance. There is also an option to limit the scan to nodes referenced by specific element types. Node pairs between different modules within the scanned tolerance are populated in the table with associated information like node ID, 10th Field information, metadata name, owning module and coordinates.          

Select the node pairs with the checkbox option. Expand the Tag Label to select the options to be used as tag labels for the created tagpoints. You can also type in the tag label. The Update/Create button creates the tagpoints. Tag label and all the relevant information for tagpoints is updated. Activate the Create connections checkbox to create connections between created tagpoints.    

Created tagpoints and connections can be exported in an external .csv file using the Export TagPoint CSV and Export Connection CSV buttons.



This option is used to map/create tagpoints based on information from a tagpoint CSV or a connection .csv file. This allows you to effectively use information from the previous session saved in a tagpoint/connection .csv file for new assembly building. The information in the .csv file, tagpoints or connections, is loaded on the left side of the separator, depending on the .csv file that is loaded.  

All other operations related to scanning and creating tagpoints/connections are the same as they are in the Module-Module pool option.


hmtoggle_plus1greyTagpoint Template CSV

This option is used to create tagpoints based on information from an external .csv file. This allows you to use tagpoints with standard names from the external .csv file. The information in the .csv file, Node ID (optional), Name and Module is populated upon loading the .csv file. Select the rows and create the tag labels by clicking Create. Tag labels are created in metadata.                    


Tagpoints with the standard name are created by editing the tag in Prepare Module by selecting the node to which the standard name is to be assigned.



See Also:

NVH Application

NVH Preferences