This tool has the following options:
• | Connection Mapping: Automated mapping/creation of connections from an external connection mapping .csv file, which can be exported from the same dialog. |
• | Property Mapping: Mapping connection properties and states to all the existing connections from an external connection property .csv file. |
• | Hardpoint Mapping: Automated mapping of connection locations using an external hardpoint .csv file. |
The dialog is invoked by clicking the icon.
The Load connections from FE data option allows you to populate connection information currently present in the Altair HyperMesh FE data in order to export a connection .csv file. The Export Connection CSV button is used to export the connection information to an external .csv file. Connection and connectivity information, along with any property part information (if connection property states have been previously defined by mapping to property information from a connection property .csv file based on part description) can be exported to the connection mapping .csv file. The Load connections from CSV data option allows you to import connection information from an external connection .csv file. Connection information can then be mapped to existing connections found based on a user specified scan tolerance, or the information can be used to create new connections. Select connections by clicking the check box corresponding to each connection. Click Update/Create to map or create connections. The amount of connection information imported can be customized by unchecking one of the three check boxes located at the top right corner of the dialog. The Update connection links from csv checkbox allows tagpoints connected by the selected connections to be updated or created. The Update connection metadata from csv checkbox allows connection property part and hardpoint information to be updated or created. Update connection states from property csv allows you to automatically assign property states to connections by matching part descriptions to those in the connection property .csv file. |
Connections and connection property information is loaded after selecting the external connection property .csv file. Assign property to each connection by selecting Part Description information, which is populated from the external connection property .csv file. There is also an option to select the Property Type for connections. States of the connections are listed upon the update of selected connections and Part Description States. Connections can be realized for a specific property state within a user specified tolerance. |
Hardpoint information from an external .csv file is loaded. Location of connections, new or existing, can then be mapped to the coordinates based on a user specified scan tolerance. Select hardpoints with the check box option and click Update/Create to map or create connections. |