
Auto Cleanup panel

Auto Cleanup panel

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Auto Cleanup panel

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The Auto Cleanup panel performs automatic geometry cleanup and prepares it for meshing based on the parameters set in the Altair BatchMesher criteria file, which can be edited from this panel.

Cleanup operations include the equivalencing of "red" free edges, fixing of small surfaces (relative to the element size), and detection of features such as beads. It also performs specified surface editing/defeaturing operations like removal of pinholes (less than specified size), removal of edge fillets, and the addition of a layer of washer elements around holes.

The Auto Cleanup panel performs the geometry cleanup portion of the Altair BatchMesher and is available in interactive mode for ease of use. Since it performs a variety of geometry cleanup tools, the function will not be instantaneous and can take a few minutes depending on the size of the model. The criteria by which the cleanup functions is determined by the Altair BatchMesher parameter and element quality criteria files, both of which can be edited from within this panel using the Altair BatchMesher Parameter Editor.

The controls available in this panel are:



Use this selector to specify the surfaces that you want cleaned up.

Topology cleanup parameters:

Toggle between use current parameters and parameter file =:

Use current parameters uses the current default parameter file. You can open and edit this file by clicking edit parameter.
Since you can create multiple parameter files, you can use parameters file = to load a different file. Double-click the text box to browse to the desired file, and then click load.

Element quality criteria:

Toggle between use current criteria and criteria file =:

Use current criteria uses the current default element criteria file. You can open and edit this file by clicking edit criteria.  
Since you can create multiple criteria files, you can use criteria file = to load a different file. Double-click the text box to browse to the desired file, and then click load.


Click this to perform the cleanup.


Click this to undo a cleanup if you dislike the results.